How to use nessus tool
How to use nessus tool

how to use nessus tool how to use nessus tool

Use file functions to get details about provided file e.g.Pip install -U nessus-file-reader Use Use in CLI Read about virtualenvwrapper in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!: virtualenvwrapper provides a set of commands which makes working with virtual environments much more pleasant. Read more about python virtual environment in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! It's advisable to use python virtual environment for below instructions. read data from nessus files containing results of scans performed by using Nessus by (C) Tenable, Inc.You get data through functions grouped into categories like file, scan, hostĪnd plugin to get specific information from the provided nessus scan files. Of scans performed by using Nessus by (C) Tenable, Inc. Nessus file reader by LimberDuck (pronounced ˈlɪm.bɚ dʌk) is a CLI toolĪnd python module created to quickly parse nessus files containing the results

How to use nessus tool